
Objective 1. Establishing and conducting extensive monitoring of forest ecosystems in Croatia

Activity 1.1. Revitalisation and measurements of plots established within the MAP programme

Activity1.2. Establishing new permanent sample plots and adding them to the existing plot network

Objective 2. Establishment and execution of intensive monitoring

Activity 2.1. Establishment of monitoring for intensive plots

Activity 2.2. Analyzing the dynamics of natural disturbance regimes

Activity 2.3. Analyzing the dynamics of old-growth ecosystem structure

Activity 2.4. Analyzing the carbon cycle

Activity 2.5. Analyzing biodiversity indicators

Objective 3. Disseminating and strengthening the capacity of forestry science

Activity 3.1. Creating a web portal for a data sharing

Activity 3.2. Publications and participation in international conferences

Activity 3.3. International scientific conferences